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Humboldt en México | La mirada del explorador

Updated: Oct 11, 2019

UNA PELÍCULA DE ANA CRUZ 83 mins / Color / 2017 / Spanish, English Subtitles / Mexico

Humboldt en México | La mirada del explorador retratada a través de los diarios de viaje del propio Humboldt, nos revela la riqueza natural y humana que se encuentra en el México colonial. Las aportaciones hechas por Humboldt, cambian por completo la perspectiva y la visión del mundo sobre México y América. Personaje contradictorio, complejo y fascinante, nos narra sus impresiones, reflexiones y aventuras por un país que lo seduce y deslumbra.

Durante su travesía descubre una extraordinaria diversidad: flora, fauna, volcanes, suelos, minas, monumentos arqueológicos, así como una cultura milenaria que lo impacta profundamente. Sus investigaciones científicas son tan vigentes hoy en día como lo son sus escritos, donde denuncia la explotación y la desigualdad social.

Humboldt in Mexico | The vision of the explorer  reveals the amazing story of the greatest explorer of the Americas and Cuba. At the turn of the 19th century, Alexander von Humboldt began a 5-year scientific expedition in the New World. Traveling through dangerous waters and dry deserts, and over treacherous mountains and unforgiving terrain, Humboldt documented the environment, geography and cultures of the continents of North and South America.

The most famous scientist of his age, Humboldt changed our understanding of nature. He was also the first person to write about human-induced climate change. This fascinating documentary takes us on Humboldt's amazing adventure of discovery and exploration throughout New Spain, an area that includes present-day Mexico.



  • 2018 Winner Best Documentary – National Festival of Scientific Images MUIC

  • 2018 Winner Humboldt Pride Medal – Alexander von Humboldt German School Students Association


  • Guadalajara International Film Festival FICG Special screening

  • Lima International Film Festival. Special Screening, Peru

  • International Berlin Film Festival – European Film Market Screening Martin-Gropius-Bau (MGB)

  • Guanajuato International film Festival

  • Official Selection GIFFMorelia International film Festival

  • Official Selection FICMBerlinale Market, Germany

*This event its open and free to all public.

**Only STREET PARKING available, as well as public parking structures around the block. We recommend the one at 611 S Carondelet St, Los Angeles, CA 90057 ($9 flat rate).

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