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Smart Phone Filmmaking

Updated: Oct 15, 2019

Join us for a incredible screening of films made entirely with smart phones!

It is our mission to support the filmmakers who do amazing and creative porjects, therefore, CCCM has partnered up with Hope Diaz, a Mexican director and actress to screen this seletion of short films.

Check our program

1.-"The Turncoat"

Director: Luis E. Juárez.

TRT 9 Mins

The woman who was married to the leader of an illegal art dealer organization is trying to get revenge for the murder of her husband and get back one of the most wanted paintings that the killer stole from the organization.

Official selection Cinephone Film Festival


Writer & Director: Mario Garza TRT 8:34 Mins

After immigrating to the US from Tijuana when she was only 15 years old, Alma is now facing an identity crisis. Lost in limbo, she decides to visit her family, with the hope of finding herself again.

Winner 2nd place 48 hrs Tijuana International Film Festival Official Selection Hola Mexico Film Festival Best film Cine Pobre Film Festival Semifinalist Mobile Motion Film Festival Official Selection Festival Latinoamericano de Cine Official Selection Oro Negro Film Festival Official Selection Smart Philm Film Festival Official Selection Mexicali Film Festival Official Selection Festival Cine Latinoamericano Official Selection Festival Internacional de Cine de Alamos Magico Official Selection Red Corner Film Festival Official Selection Viva Cinema Latino Film Festival


DIrector: Carlos Gajardo

TRT 8 Mins

On an ordinary rutine day a painkiller addict with suicidal tendency suffers from batofobia.

4.-"What Makes You Smile"

Director: Nina Chávez Góngora

TRT 1 Min

Created for the Mobile Film Festival - Act on Climate change

1. Just A Minute Film Festival - Official Selection 2015, USA 2. Wiper Film Festival – Official Selection 2015, USA 3. 6th International Green Culture Festival “Green Fest” – Official Selection, 2015, SERBIA 4. Nikon European Film Festival – Official Selection 2015, NEATHERLANDS

5.- "Escamol"

Directora: Silvia Santoyo

TRT 4:26 Mins

Escamol a rescue dog, feels left out of place when the woman who adopted him adopts more dogs. Escamol es un perro adoptado que se siente fuera de lugar cuando la mujer que lo adoptó comienza a tener más perros.

Shot entirely on Iphone 6splus, filmicpro app and moondoglabs lens.

Winner with FilmicPro

6.- "Scorpio Jr."

Production: CinemaRock Films Director: Jorge Espinosa DP: Arturo Chu

TRT 4:35 Mins

All filmed with an iphone.

7.-"My Lovely Friends"

Director: Hope Díaz

On her birthday a highschool girl and her friends go hiking and they start to disappear one by one.

8.-"What a Beautiful Name"

Durector: Luis Juárez

TRT 5:08 Mins

Winner as Best Music Video Chicago Film Festival

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