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Literary Series No.1: Nylsa Martinez

Updated: Oct 15, 2019

Feb. 13th, 2019

Join us in our first Literary Series curated by Anthony Seidman, starting with a night of prose and poetry with Nylsa Martinez, a Mexican author from Tijuana. Open to English and Spanish speakers, program is bilingual.


6.00pm Doors Open

6.30pm Program starts

8.00pm End of program

About the author

Nylsa Martinez is a story-writer from Mexicali, B.C.

In 2008 she won the State Literature Award in Baja California and between 2011 to 2012, she was a fellow of the Baja California Creation and Artistic Development Stimulus Program (PECDA). The life and situations of the US-Mexico border are almost always present in her stories, lately her stories have dabbled in noir fiction.

Her stories have been included in several anthologies, the most recent: Witnesses of absences. Stories and tales of writers of the Mexican Diaspora (2017), by Editorial Artificios; Sides B 2017, High Risk Narrative (2018) and Desert in scarlet. Criminal stories of Ciudad Juárez (2018), both by Nitro Press; also, Territory fiction. , anthology of a young story (2017) by the Ministry of Education in Mexico.

She has published in several literary magazines in Mexico and the United States, this year: in Latin American Literature Today, University of Oklahoma (2019) and Poetry International, by San Diego State University Press (2019), with a contribution in the section, Poets and Borders, about their perspective on the border.

Some of his individual titles are: Roads (2007) and A wider patio (2014), both by Editorial Paraíso Perdido; Your house is my house, by CONACULTA and ICBC in Baja California (2009); Disordered complaints, by Editorial Artificios (2016) and Green Incanto (2017), by Bagatela Press.

She is currently studying her doctorate in Hispanic Language and Literature at the University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA, in the United States.

About the literary curator

Anthony Seidman (1973, Los Angeles) is the author of three collections of poetry, including Where Thirsts Intersect (The Bitter Oleander, 2006). His latest collection of poetry, A Sleepless Man Sits Up In Bed, is forthcoming early 2106 from Eyewear Publishing of London, England. In 2015, he published, along with co-translator David Shook, Confetti-Ash: Selected Poems of Salvador Novo (The Bitter Oleander). He has published dozens of poets from the northern border region of Mexico, and these versions in English includePetition To NASA To Include A Poet On Its Next Mission To Outer Space And Other Poems by Martin Camps, published by Observatorio Editorial of Tijuana, Baja California, as well as numerous features in such journals asWorld Literature Today, Nimrod, Modern Poetry In Translation, and Huizache, among others. He has collaborated with French artist, Jean-Claude Loubieres on three artist books, all published by AdeLeo of Paris, France, and these works are included in such collections as the Bibliotheque Kandinsky at the Centre Pompidou. His poetry has been published in the United States, England, France, Mexico, Romania, Bangladesh, and Nicaragua, in numerous journals including Ambit, Luvina (University of Guadalajara), Bengal Lights, The Black Herald Review, La Prensa of Managua, Beyond Baroque, and Cardinal Points, among others. His work is also included in the anthologies: California Prose Directory 2013 (Outlook Press), The Ecopoetry Anthology(Trinity University Press, 2013), Transatlantic Steamer: Vapor transatlantico (Hofstra University / Fondo de Cultura Economica).

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